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The basic knowledge of human body temperature--------------------------------------------------------------------------------A normal human body temperature, rangeIn two, the heating standardThree, the temperature of common errorsFour, the temperature measuring methodFive, what is the feminine of basal body temperatureSix, the temperature in detailBody temperature, usually refers to the internal body temperature, normal axillary temperature is 36 ~ 37 degrees, measurement method and measurement, measurement of axillary temperature and rectal measurement.Normal temperature range--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Temperature is the temperature inside the organism. Normal human axillary temperature is 36 ~ 37 degrees, oral temperature 0.2 ~0.4 degrees higher than the axilla, rectum temperature than oral temperature high of 0.3 to 0.5 degrees.In general, measurement of body temperature to oral temperatures prevail. If the use of oral measurement, the measurement results can be used as the body temperature of the human body. If the armpit, requires the measurement results will be plus 0.2 to 0.4 degrees.Love reminder : recommendations for the use of electronic thermometer in oral measurement!1 methods: first with 75% alcohol to disinfect thermometer, placed under the tongue, closed lips, placed 5 minutes out readings, normal values for 36.3~37.2 ℃. 2: the axillary method is not easy to cross infection, is the most commonly used method of measuring body temperature, dry axillary sweat, put the thermometer in the axillary fossa with top, upper half thermometer clamp, enjoin patient cannot touch, 10 minutes after the reading, the normal value for the 36~37 ℃. 3: Anal measurement : used for coma patients or children. The patient supine, the anus table head with oil lubrication, slowly into the anus, anal scale up the 1/2 far, placed 3 minutes after reading, normal values for 36.5~37.7 ℃. The normal temperature of the human body in 24 hours with some fluctuations, generally do not exceed 1 ℃. Under physiological circumstances, morning and afternoon sports and slightly lower, after eating or slightly higher . Older body temperature slightly lower, women during menstruation or pregnancy slightly higher.Temperature anomaly:37.4~38 ℃38.1~39℃low; for moderate fever; 39.1~41 ℃hyperthermia; 41 ℃with high.Heating criterion--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Generally, the normal axillary temperature was 36 degrees to 37 degrees.1: 37.5 to 38 degrees low temperature; if low duration more than 1 months, is the long-term fever.2: moderate heat temperature is 38 to 39 degrees; if fever persists for 2 weeks or longer, as long-term moderate heat.3: in the high temperature above 39 degrees; if fever persists for 2 weeks or longer, as prolonged febrile.4: super high temperature above 41 degrees.( Note: the above are degrees C )The body temperature of the human body knowledge mistakes--------------------------------------------------------------------------------One, body temperature is relatively stable meaningThe earth's surface temperature all year round in the constantly changing, each region temperatures are not the same. ( maximum and minimum temperatures can vary between 150 ℃, is temperate in many areas, winter, summer temperature difference has often at 60℃. ) As human has perfect temperature regulation mechanism, and can take the cold-proof and warm-keeping measures, so that it could be in extremely harsh climate conditions of life and work, and maintain a constant body temperature, 37℃.Two, temperature measurement( a ) the surface temperature and the temperature of the deepMeasurement of body temperature in commonly used special mercury thermometer, electronic thermometer.Usually said person's body temperature is 37 ℃, refers to the internal body temperature. In fact, careful study, the various parts of the body temperature is not the same, can be divided into deep temperature and body temperature in two parts. The deep and surface without strict anatomic meaning, only refers to the functional mode classification.1 deep temperature. Of deep body temperature is relatively stable and uniform. However, due to different metabolic levels, various visceral organs temperature is slightly different. Liver temperature up to 38℃. The brain produces more calories, temperature close to 38 DEG C. Kidney, pancreas and duodenal at temperatures slightly lower. Because the blood circulate ceaselessly, make deep organs temperatures converge. So in theory, refers to the body temperature deep blood temperature, it can represent the internal organs of the body average temperature.2 body surface temperature. The surface temperature is lower than the temperature of the deep, and the existence and form an obvious temperature gradient. The surface has a certain thickness, in the regulation of body temperature can play a role through the insulation layer, it maintains the relative stability of deep body temperature.The surface of the outermost layer of skin surface, i.e., its temperature is known as the skin temperature. The body parts of the skin temperature difference. At an ambient temperature of 23℃determination, forehead skin temperature was 33~ 34 ℃, the trunk is 32 ℃, 30℃for hand, foot is 27 ℃. In a cold environment, as the temperature drops, extremities ( hands and feet ) of the skin temperature decreased significantly, while the head skin temperature change is relatively small. The skin contains abundant blood vessels, all can affect the skin vasomotor factors can change the skin temperature.( two) the temperature test area and normal valueBecause the body is deep blood temperature is not easy to measure, in the clinical examination and laboratory research, in order to facilitate the determination, usually axillary, oral or rectal temperature mean temperature. General rectal temperature is highest, relatively close to the body temperature of deep, about 37.5 ℃, 2-5 minutes, but not convenient measurement, not recommended. Oral temperature is 0.5 ℃ lower than rectal temperature, of about 37℃, 3-5 minutes. The axillary temperature is 0.4 ℃ lower than the mouth, 5-10 minutes. Report of body temperature, to indicate the position determination.Three, the temperature of the physiological variabilityThe deep temperature is relatively constant, but not fixed. Under normal circumstances, the temperature may vary with circadian, age, gender, environment temperature, mental and physical activity status and other conditions and certain amplitude changes.( a ) the circadian rhythmHuman body temperature circadian periodicity. The day 's temperature at 2 ~ 6, the lowest, after dawn began to rise, the whole day is maintained at a high level, afternoon 6 when one day peak. This day (24 hours ) for reciprocating cycle, peak, trough physiological phenomenon, known as the circadian rhythm. Life on earth is human regardless of any area, showed a circadian fluctuation of temperature. Apparently, the daytime temperature rise reason, is the result of activity, high rate of metabolism, heat production increase. In fact it is not so. Stayed in bed all day to keep quiet or awake people still have the same temperature periodic variation. Experimental results show that, the subjects were placed without any marking time in deep underground chamber in the long-term life, circadian rhythm exists. But this time the circadian cycle longer than 24 hours, that the self-excited cycle. As to the subjects returned to the ground, to receive light synchronization factor influence, its physiological cycle gradually restored, still with the earth's rotation cycle to maintain synchronization. Generally, the rhythm is generated by endogenous, circadian pacemaker ( biological clock ) control. Experimental results show that, the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus is likely to be the biological rhythm control center.( two) gender ( female basal body temperature )Woman : the average temperature than men about 0.3 DEG c.. In addition to gender difference big, women's body temperature and monthly rhythm characteristics. Adult woman with menstrual cycle fluctuations in temperature level. As shown in figure 9-2. Determination of basal body temperature ( wake up in the morning, not up measurement of oral temperature ), high body temperature before menstruation, menstrual cramps at the same time, body temperature decreased by about 0.2~ 0.3 ℃, the temperature 0.2 ℃ lower ovulation again, then suddenly increase. Clinically, through continuous measuring basal body temperature, in order to test subjects have no ovulation and ovulation date. Female body temperature cyclical lifting, and serum progesterone and its metabolites levels coincide. This month cycle changes, may be the biological clock under control.( three) the ageNewborn babies and toddlers temperature adjustment and development have not yet perfect, should enhance nursing insulation. Some months after birth with the nervous system is perfect and the activity and rest rules establishment, gradually formed the circadian rhythms of body temperature. Aged metabolic activity decreases, the temperature is low in young adults, the external environment of temperature changes in compensatory ability drops, cannot tolerate external environment of intense changing stimuli, to timely pay attention to insulation and heat dissipation.( four) physical activity and emotionalMuscle activity can make heat production increased significantly, causes the body temperature to rise. Mental and emotional tension can make the body temperature to rise, some body in a tense situation, body temperature can be increased by 2℃. Operation and anesthesia, hypothermia, it must pay attention to insulation.Body temperature in detail--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The human body temperature is relatively constant, the normal body temperature fluctuates slightly in 24 hours, the general difference less than 1 degree. Under physiological conditions, the morning temperature slightly lower, at a slightly higher. After eating, exercise,menstrual period before or during pregnancy body temperature is slightly higher, while the elderly low body temperature. The temperature is higher than normal called fever, from 37.5 to 38 degrees C for low, from 38 to 39 degrees C for moderate fever, from 39 to 40 degrees Celsius as hyperthermia, more than 40 degrees Celsius and super high fever. Body temperature relatively constant is to maintain the body's normal life activity is one of the important elements, such as body temperature above 41 degrees C or less than 25 degrees will seriously affect the system ( especially the nervous system ) function activities, even endanger the lives. The heat production and heat dissipation, is affected by central nervous system regulation, many diseases can make a normal body temperature regulation function obstacles and make the temperature change. Clinical observation on the patient to check temperature, the variation in the diagnosis of disease or to judge the prognosis of certain diseases is important.The normal body temperature of 37 degrees C, from the 1868 Uhde Leigh F on 2500 adults axillary temperature average. The United States of America Mali Lanzhou School of medicine Mike Vick detection of 148 human oral temperature is an average of 36.8 degrees Celsius, the results show that: individual normal temperature range up to 2.7 degrees C, each a day in different time temperature may be a difference of 0.6 degrees C, normal human body temperature and the lowest at 6 in the morning, afternoon 4 when highest. A temperature of 38 degrees Celsius is generally low, 38 degrees C above high fever that is.The normal fluctuationsIn one day, the body temperature of periodic fluctuation. In the morning when the minimum temperature of 2-6, 1-6 in the afternoon when the top. Wave amplitude is generally not more than 1 DEG c.. Temperature of this circadian cycle known as the circadian rhythm or day cycle.Woman with a basal body temperature with menstrual cycle changes. In the ovulation after elevated temperature, elevated body temperature continues to the next menstrual start. This phenomenon is likely related to the sex hormone secretion. Experiments show that, this change of blood progesterone and its metabolites change coincided with.Temperature is related to age. Generally speaking, the higher the temperature of children, newborn and older low body temperature. Newborn, especially in premature infants, due to temperature adjustment mechanism development is not perfect, thermoregulation ability is poor, so their body temperature is easily affected by the environmental temperature. Therefore for newborns should strengthen nursing.Muscle activity metabolic heat production and enhance, increase, the results can lead to elevated temperature. Therefore, clinical should allow the patient to quiet for a period of time after the body temperature measurement. Determination of temperature should be to prevent the crying.In addition, emotion, mental stress, eating and other conditions on body temperature will have the effect of environmental temperature on body temperature; also have influence on body temperature; Determination of, on account of these circumstances.Heat balanceThe body metabolism of nutrients release of chemical energy, of which more than 50% in the form of heat is used to maintain the body temperature, the remaining less than 50% of the chemical energy load to ATP, after energy conversion and utilization, eventually into heat energy, and maintain the temperature of heat by conduction, circulating blood to the body surface and the distribution of in vitro. Therefore, the temperature regulation mechanism under the control, so that heat production process and cooling process in balance, the body heat balance, maintain normal body temperature. If the heat is greater than the heat dissipating capacity, the body temperature will rise; heat dissipating capacity is greater than the heat production, the body temperature will drop, until the heat production and heat flux rebalancing will make the temperature stability in the new level.Cooling processHuman body's main radiating parts of the skin. When the environment temperature below body temperature, most of the body heat through the skin of the radiation, conduction and convection heat transfer. A part of heat through the skin sweat evaporation to radiate, respiratory, urination and defecation can also be a small part of the heat dissipation.Radiation ( radiation ): This is the body heat to heat radiation in the form of heat to the outside of a cold substance a radiating form. In this way, the heat from the body, in a quiet state a larger proportion (about heat dissipation quantity 60% the left and right sides ). Radiation heat loss and the temperature difference between the skin and the environment as well as the effective radiating area and other factors. Skin temperature fluctuations, radiative heat loss will have great change. Limb surface area is larger, so it plays an important role in radiation. Temperature and skin temperature difference is greater, or the effective radiating area is bigger, more radiation heat flux.Conduction ( conduction ) and ( convection ): convection radiating heat conduction is the body's heat is directly transferred to come in contact with it 's colder object in a cooling mode. The deep heat conduction mode to the surface of the skin, and then by the latter passes directly to touch with the object, such as a bed or clothes. But as a result of these substances is a poor conductor of heat, so the body heat by conduction and lost a small amount. In addition, the heat conductivity and low body fat, obesity subcutaneous fat is more, women usually subcutaneous fat is more also, so, they made
Date:2012/12/16 23:47:42

The basic knowledge of human body temperature


A normal human body temperature, range

In two, the heating standard

Three, the temperature of common errors

Four, the temperature measuring method

Five, what is the feminine of basal body temperature

Six, the temperature in detail

Body temperature, usually refers to the internal body temperature, normal axillary temperature is 36 ~ 37 degrees, measurement method and measurement, measurement of axillary temperature and rectal measurement.

Normal temperature range


Temperature is the temperature inside the organism. Normal human axillary temperature is 36 ~ 37 degrees, oral temperature 0.2 ~0.4 degrees higher than the axilla, rectum temperature than oral temperature high of 0.3 to 0.5 degrees.

In general, measurement of body temperature to oral temperatures prevail. If the use of oral measurement, the measurement results can be used as the body temperature of the human body. If the armpit, requires the measurement results will be plus 0.2 to 0.4 degrees.

Love reminder : recommendations for the use of electronic thermometer in oral measurement!

1 methods: first with 75% alcohol to disinfect thermometer, placed under the tongue, closed lips, placed 5 minutes out readings, normal values for 36.3~37.2 ℃.

2: the axillary method is not easy to cross infection, is the most commonly used method of measuring body temperature, dry axillary sweat, put the thermometer in the axillary fossa with top, upper half thermometer clamp, enjoin patient cannot touch, 10 minutes after the reading, the normal value for the 36~37 ℃.

3: Anal measurement : used for coma patients or children. The patient supine, the anus table head with oil lubrication, slowly into the anus, anal scale up the 1/2 far, placed 3 minutes after reading, normal values for 36.5~37.7 ℃.

The normal temperature of the human body in 24 hours with some fluctuations, generally do not exceed 1 ℃. Under physiological circumstances, morning and afternoon sports and slightly lower, after eating or slightly higher . Older body temperature slightly lower, women during menstruation or pregnancy slightly higher.

Temperature anomaly:

37.4~38 ℃38.1~39low; for moderate fever; 39.1~41 ℃hyperthermia; 41 ℃with high.

Heating criterion


Generally, the normal axillary temperature was 36 degrees to 37 degrees.

1: 37.5 to 38 degrees low temperature; if low duration more than 1 months, is the long-term fever.

2: moderate heat temperature is 38 to 39 degrees; if fever persists for 2 weeks or longer, as long-term moderate heat.

3: in the high temperature above 39 degrees; if fever persists for 2 weeks or longer, as prolonged febrile.

4: super high temperature above 41 degrees.

( Note: the above are degrees C )

The body temperature of the human body knowledge mistakes


One, body temperature is relatively stable meaning

The earth's surface temperature all year round in the constantly changing, each region temperatures are not the same. ( maximum and minimum temperatures can vary between 150 ℃, is temperate in many areas, winter, summer temperature difference has often at 60℃. ) As human has perfect temperature regulation mechanism, and can take the cold-proof and warm-keeping measures, so that it could be in extremely harsh climate conditions of life and work, and maintain a constant body temperature, 37.

Two, temperature measurement

( a ) the surface temperature and the temperature of the deep

Measurement of body temperature in commonly used special mercury thermometer, electronic thermometer.

Usually said person's body temperature is 37 ℃, refers to the internal body temperature. In fact, careful study, the various parts of the body temperature is not the same, can be divided into deep temperature and body temperature in two parts. The deep and surface without strict anatomic meaning, only refers to the functional mode classification.

1 deep temperature. Of deep body temperature is relatively stable and uniform. However, due to different metabolic levels, various visceral organs temperature is slightly different. Liver temperature up to 38. The brain produces more calories, temperature close to 38 DEG C. Kidney, pancreas and duodenal at temperatures slightly lower. Because the blood circulate ceaselessly, make deep organs temperatures converge. So in theory, refers to the body temperature deep blood temperature, it can represent the internal organs of the body average temperature.

2 body surface temperature. The surface temperature is lower than the temperature of the deep, and the existence and form an obvious temperature gradient. The surface has a certain thickness, in the regulation of body temperature can play a role through the insulation layer, it maintains the relative stability of deep body temperature.

The surface of the outermost layer of skin surface, i.e., its temperature is known as the skin temperature. The body parts of the skin temperature difference. At an ambient temperature of 23determination, forehead skin temperature was 33~ 34 ℃, the trunk is 32 ℃, 30for hand, foot is 27 ℃. In a cold environment, as the temperature drops, extremities ( hands and feet ) of the skin temperature decreased significantly, while the head skin temperature change is relatively small. The skin contains abundant blood vessels, all can affect the skin vasomotor factors can change the skin temperature.

( two) the temperature test area and normal value

Because the body is deep blood temperature is not easy to measure, in the clinical examination and laboratory research, in order to facilitate the determination, usually axillary, oral or rectal temperature mean temperature. General rectal temperature is highest, relatively close to the body temperature of deep, about 37.5 ℃, 2-5 minutes, but not convenient measurement, not recommended. Oral temperature is 0.5 ℃ lower than rectal temperature, of about 37, 3-5 minutes. The axillary temperature is 0.4 ℃ lower than the mouth, 5-10 minutes. Report of body temperature, to indicate the position determination.

Three, the temperature of the physiological variability

The deep temperature is relatively constant, but not fixed. Under normal circumstances, the temperature may vary with circadian, age, gender, environment temperature, mental and physical activity status and other conditions and certain amplitude changes.

( a ) the circadian rhythm

Human body temperature circadian periodicity. The day 's temperature at 2 ~ 6, the lowest, after dawn began to rise, the whole day is maintained at a high level, afternoon 6 when one day peak. This day (24 hours ) for reciprocating cycle, peak, trough physiological phenomenon, known as the circadian rhythm. Life on earth is human regardless of any area, showed a circadian fluctuation of temperature. Apparently, the daytime temperature rise reason, is the result of activity, high rate of metabolism, heat production increase. In fact it is not so. Stayed in bed all day to keep quiet or awake people still have the same temperature periodic variation. Experimental results show that, the subjects were placed without any marking time in deep underground chamber in the long-term life, circadian rhythm exists. But this time the circadian cycle longer than 24 hours, that the self-excited cycle. As to the subjects returned to the ground, to receive light synchronization factor influence, its physiological cycle gradually restored, still with the earth's rotation cycle to maintain synchronization. Generally, the rhythm is generated by endogenous, circadian pacemaker ( biological clock ) control. Experimental results show that, the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus is likely to be the biological rhythm control center.

( two) gender ( female basal body temperature )

Woman : the average temperature than men about 0.3 DEG c.. In addition to gender difference big, women's body temperature and monthly rhythm characteristics. Adult woman with menstrual cycle fluctuations in temperature level. As shown in figure 9-2. Determination of basal body temperature ( wake up in the morning, not up measurement of oral temperature ), high body temperature before menstruation, menstrual cramps at the same time, body temperature decreased by about 0.2~ 0.3 ℃, the temperature 0.2 ℃ lower ovulation again, then suddenly increase. Clinically, through continuous measuring basal body temperature, in order to test subjects have no ovulation and ovulation date. Female body temperature cyclical lifting, and serum progesterone and its metabolites levels coincide. This month cycle changes, may be the biological clock under control.

( three) the age

Newborn babies and toddlers temperature adjustment and development have not yet perfect, should enhance nursing insulation. Some months after birth with the nervous system is perfect and the activity and rest rules establishment, gradually formed the circadian rhythms of body temperature. Aged metabolic activity decreases, the temperature is low in young adults, the external environment of temperature changes in compensatory ability drops, cannot tolerate external environment of intense changing stimuli, to timely pay attention to insulation and heat dissipation.

( four) physical activity and emotional

Muscle activity can make heat production increased significantly, causes the body temperature to rise. Mental and emotional tension can make the body temperature to rise, some body in a tense situation, body temperature can be increased by 2. Operation and anesthesia, hypothermia, it must pay attention to insulation.

Body temperature in detail


The human body temperature is relatively constant, the normal body temperature fluctuates slightly in 24 hours, the general difference less than 1 degree. Under physiological conditions, the morning temperature slightly lower, at a slightly higher. After eating, exercise,menstrual period before or during pregnancy body temperature is slightly higher, while the elderly low body temperature. The temperature is higher than normal called fever, from 37.5 to 38 degrees C for low, from 38 to 39 degrees C for moderate fever, from 39 to 40 degrees Celsius as hyperthermia, more than 40 degrees Celsius and super high fever. Body temperature relatively constant is to maintain the body's normal life activity is one of the important elements, such as body temperature above 41 degrees C or less than 25 degrees will seriously affect the system ( especially the nervous system ) function activities, even endanger the lives. The heat production and heat dissipation, is affected by central nervous system regulation, many diseases can make a normal body temperature regulation function obstacles and make the temperature change. Clinical observation on the patient to check temperature, the variation in the diagnosis of disease or to judge the prognosis of certain diseases is important.

The normal body temperature of 37 degrees C, from the 1868 Uhde Leigh F on 2500 adults axillary temperature average. The United States of America Mali Lanzhou School of medicine Mike Vick detection of 148 human oral temperature is an average of 36.8 degrees Celsius, the results show that: individual normal temperature range up to 2.7 degrees C, each a day in different time temperature may be a difference of 0.6 degrees C, normal human body temperature and the lowest at 6 in the morning, afternoon 4 when highest. A temperature of 38 degrees Celsius is generally low, 38 degrees C above high fever that is.

The normal fluctuations

In one day, the body temperature of periodic fluctuation. In the morning when the minimum temperature of 2-6, 1-6 in the afternoon when the top. Wave amplitude is generally not more than 1 DEG c.. Temperature of this circadian cycle known as the circadian rhythm or day cycle.

Woman with a basal body temperature with menstrual cycle changes. In the ovulation after elevated temperature, elevated body temperature continues to the next menstrual start. This phenomenon is likely related to the sex hormone secretion. Experiments show that, this change of blood progesterone and its metabolites change coincided with.

Temperature is related to age. Generally speaking, the higher the temperature of children, newborn and older low body temperature. Newborn, especially in premature infants, due to temperature adjustment mechanism development is not perfect, thermoregulation ability is poor, so their body temperature is easily affected by the environmental temperature. Therefore for newborns should strengthen nursing.

Muscle activity metabolic heat production and enhance, increase, the results can lead to elevated temperature. Therefore, clinical should allow the patient to quiet for a period of time after the body temperature measurement. Determination of temperature should be to prevent the crying.

In addition, emotion, mental stress, eating and other conditions on body temperature will have the effect of environmental temperature on body temperature; also have influence on body temperature; Determination of, on account of these circumstances.

Heat balance

The body metabolism of nutrients release of chemical energy, of which more than 50% in the form of heat is used to maintain the body temperature, the remaining less than 50% of the chemical energy load to ATP, after energy conversion and utilization, eventually into heat energy, and maintain the temperature of heat by conduction, circulating blood to the body surface and the distribution of in vitro. Therefore, the temperature regulation mechanism under the control, so that heat production process and cooling process in balance, the body heat balance, maintain normal body temperature. If the heat is greater than the heat dissipating capacity, the body temperature will rise; heat dissipating capacity is greater than the heat production, the body temperature will drop, until the heat production and heat flux rebalancing will make the temperature stability in the new level.

Cooling process

Human body's main radiating parts of the skin. When the environment temperature below body temperature, most of the body heat through the skin of the radiation, conduction and convection heat transfer. A part of heat through the skin sweat evaporation to radiate, respiratory, urination and defecation can also be a small part of the heat dissipation.

Radiation ( radiation ): This is the body heat to heat radiation in the form of heat to the outside of a cold substance a radiating form. In this way, the heat from the body, in a quiet state a larger proportion (about heat dissipation quantity 60% the left and right sides ). Radiation heat loss and the temperature difference between the skin and the environment as well as the effective radiating area and other factors. Skin temperature fluctuations, radiative heat loss will have great change. Limb surface area is larger, so it plays an important role in radiation. Temperature and skin temperature difference is greater, or the effective radiating area is bigger, more radiation heat flux.

Conduction ( conduction ) and ( convection ): convection radiating heat conduction is the body's heat is directly transferred to come in contact with it 's colder object in a cooling mode. The deep heat conduction mode to the surface of the skin, and then by the latter passes directly to touch with the object, such as a bed or clothes. But as a result of these substances is a poor conductor of heat, so the body heat by conduction and lost a small amount. In addition, the heat conductivity and low body fat, obesity subcutaneous fat is more, women usually subcutaneous fat is more also, so, they made

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